
Ysveld fysio's promise
We employ all our knowledge and expertise, aiming at just one thing: to help you move more easily (again).
And we do that with everything we’ve got: expertise, drive and care. We set goals with you, motivate you to attain them, and discuss your progress. Whenever possible, we set your bar (your goal) just a bit higher than you thought was possible.
And where necessary, we provide psychological support. Your personal treatment plan is a team plan: you yourself direct it and we steer the recovery or training process so that you can make quick progress. Collaboration is also the incentive behind our own team: we learn, stimulate and coach each other – in order to keep improving your ability to move.

Contact info
T. 024 348 05 51,
Monday t/m Thursday 08:00-21:00
Website: www.ysveldfysio.nl
Nijmegen Radboud Sportcentrum
Nijmegen Centrum
Berg en Dal