Confidential contact persons (VCP's)
A confidential contact person is an approachable point of contact around social safety.
To be reached via email:
Hello, my name is Myrthe van der Heijden and I am 25 years old. I am a psychology graduate and did a year of board at Lasya, the pole dancing association. That's where I first came into contact with the idea of trust (contact) persons (VCP) and Codes of Conduct. I also helped write Lasya's Code of Conduct. When I heard that the NSSR was still looking for VCPs, I applied. I think it would be a very valuable addition to the umbrella association to have VCPs and I am happy to commit to this. I believe I can create a safe atmosphere for people to tell their stories. I also like to make myself available to smaller associations that are still looking for a VCP or could use help with writing a Code of Conduct.
So, if you have something on your mind and want to share it with someone, email us for a chat!
Hi all, my name is Joren. Since 2021, I am one of the two VCP'ers of N.S.L.T.C. Slow and, since September, also of the NSSR! Furthermore, I study Law at RU and am president of a dispute. At Slow I have been working a lot on Social Safety, so that's why I am also happy to become VCP of the NSSR!
​Heey everyone!!! I am Isa, 23 years old and come from Driel, a small village next to Arnhem. A year and a half ago I finished my education Social Pedagogical Assistance. After this I started working for a while and found out that I wanted to continue studying. Now I am following the pre master Pedagogical Sciences, to eventually continue studying to become an Orthopedagogue. I have been a member of Slow for over 3 years now, where I have a great time as a student. I also enjoy playing soccer. Last year I was appointed VCP at Slow and became a member of the Social Safety Committee. I really liked this position and I noticed that it suited me. That is why I joined the NSSR in this function. Together with the other three VCP'ers I hope to be there for you and contribute to a safe atmosphere within the sports clubs.
Hey hey, ik ben Jesse te Wierik, ik ben 24 jaar en studeer biologie. Ik vind het moeilijk om mezelf goed voor te stellen maar ik ga toch een poging wagen. Ik ben redelijk actief in Nijmegen, ik maak foto’s voor mijn studievereniging Beevee, ben lid van de studentenvakbond AKKU en heb een bestuursjaar gedaan bij de survivalveriging FEL. Mijn interesses gaan alle kanten op, ik speel gitaar en probeer piano te leren, en ik knutsel graag met hout. Ik vind ‘bezig zijn’ heel belangrijk en stimuleer graag iedereen om grenzen te verleggen. Sport vind ik heel belangrijk en ik wil graag bijdragen aan een omgeving waarin iedereen comfortabel al zijn/haar energie eruit kan gooien. Daarom heb ik besloten om VCP te worden. Ik wil een luisterend oor aanbieden zodat iedereen hopelijk zijn/haar ei kwijt kan. (En met alle VCP’s van de NSSR weet ik zeker dat dit goed komt!)